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Week 30 at The Montessori Field School


Hello again! It's been a couple of weeks since our last newsletter update, but we sure have been busy. Last weekend I (Heather) attended a conference for forest school teachers in Cleveland, TN (hence no newsletter). It was inspiring in so many ways and we are excited for the entire MFS staff to participate next year. Our team will be growing in August as we add two new full-time and two new part-time staff members. These humans are exceptional educators, but we also feel strongly that the only way for them (and us) to bring the very best to your children day in and day out is to make sure they're supported as whole people with balanced lives. The conference was a wonderful blend of inspiration for the mind, body, and soul, and just one example of the professional development we'll dig into throughout the school year to keep forest school magical.

This week we learned a new good morning song that the children are thoroughly enjoying. If you hear them singing it at home, the lyrics are: "Good morning dear earth, good morning dear sun. Good morning dear resting stones, and beasts on the run. Good morning dear flowers and birds in the trees. Good morning to you, good morning to me. Come on friends, forest time! Moss and trees and lichen too. Come on friends, it's time to go! In rain and sleet and sun and snowwwww."

Other highlights from the week:

We created a nature loom and enjoyed weaving grasses, sticks, ribbon, and fronds into beautiful creations. It takes a great deal of perseverance and concentration but the results are well-worth the effort.

We started pressing leaves, flowers, and fern fronds for a very special art project we will complete next week.

The younger children loved lessons on the hammering stump. Whole-body strength and gross motor control are necessary prerequisites for fine motor control and handwriting.

Forest Club learned about three types of shelters (lean-tos, teepees, and log cabins) and used their knowledge to build "fairy houses."

There was so much nature-inspired play this week. The children transformed themselves into bald eagles, sea turtles, tigers, and more. The collaboration in their "flock" was so fun to witness.

On Friday we saw Mommy Goose, Daddy Goose, and five baby goslings emerge from the forest near our base camp and make their way towards the pond.

Also on Friday (May 5th), Kai and River's mom Samantha shared with us about Cinco de Mayo. The children sampled guacamole and pico de gallo and enjoyed a Cinco de Mayo tradition: cascarones (confetti eggs). They asked a friend "do you want good luck?" before cracking a confetti egg on their head! It was great fun! Thanks, Samantha!

Ways to Get Involved:

  • We love when family members come in and share with us! If you'd like to join us to share a hobby, talent, or holiday please let us know!

  • Check out our Amazon wish list. Every once in awhile we find something we'd love to add to our program that's a little outside the budget, and then it ends up here!

See you next week!

Heather & Kris

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