And just like that, October camps have come to a close. MFS children had a ball meeting new friends and fully embracing a wide range of seasonal activities. Some favorites included flying "kites" on a windy last day, creating and painting pottery using clay from the Ohio River, learning new games (Sardines was a big hit!!), gathering persimmons and baking persimmon pudding, toasting pumpkin seeds, greeting the sun with morning yoga, jumping in huge raked leaf piles, and warming our hands by the fire during chilly mornings. There was collaboration, communication, innovation, conflict resolution, fine and gross motor development, strength building, and stamina building.

We are reminded every day of how fortunate we are to get to spend our days in this beautiful place. From wild edibles, to perfect climbing trees and swinging vines, to picturesque lake vistas and pine forests that give us all we need for fire starting, we are truly grateful. Spending hours outdoors is making impressions on each of us, children and adults alike, that are beyond words and reach our cores. I recently stumbled upon a great podcast, 1,000 Hours Outside, that is worth a listen if you ever need a reminder of just how important this nature immersion experience really is.

We've started getting a taste of cold weather, so it feels like a good time to remind you of the most effective ways to keep your child warm:
Chilly weather (35-50 degrees) - Base layer (wool or polyester), mid layer (fleece), outer layer (rain gear)
Cold weather (25-40 degrees) - 1-2 base layers (wool or polyester), 1-2 mid layers (fleece), outer layer (rain gear or insulated waterproof jacket and rain pants)
Very cold weather (<25 degrees) - 2 base layers, 2 mid layers, waterproof and possibly insulated outer layer
And on all days, of course, a warm hat, warm wool socks & boots, and warm mittens!

Things to Look Forward To
Our Bunch Bike has arrived and I must say, it's pretty dandy! We can't wait to bring it here Monday morning and start using it regularly!
Jana Davis will be coming on Thursday of next week to take some professional photos. If you would like digital, full-resolution copies of the photos of your child you can pay $15 for unlimited access. Children who don't typically attend on Thursdays are invited to join us that day (8:30-11:30 a.m.).
Next family gathering: Winter Solstice December 21
It won't be long before we announce our programs for next school year. We are very excited and anticipate to be full with a waitlist. Currently enrolled MFS children and siblings will receive priority, so stay tuned!
Ways to Get Involved
Welcome donations: herbal tea, apple cider, pumpkins & gourds
Your generosity has been outstanding; we have surpassed the funds needed for one Bunch Bike and are now on our way to purchasing a second one. THANK YOU!
If you have a child who attends in the morning and you enjoy fire building, we welcome volunteers to come early and start our fire. Next week we will have fires daily.

Enjoy the weekend!
Heather & Kris