In case you missed it last week, check out our professional photos from Jana Davis Photography HERE. You can download full resolution versions of your child and print them at your convenience. Access Code MFS2022!
Also, don't forget to sign-up to bring something to share or help with set-up/clean-up for our Winter Solstice gathering! We have some really special things planned and we're excited to celebrate with you.
It's hard to believe our first semester together is coming to a close! The last day before Winter Break is Thursday, December 22nd. Our incredibly long lucky streak of mild weather will continue into next week but keep an eye out--a cold snap is right around the corner. Everyone did a great job this week dressing for the wet weather. Remember to always send a complete dry change of clothes in your child's backpack daily. When the cold really sets in, always err on the side of extra layers right from the get-go. It's easier to take layers off than to layer up and get warm when the chill has already set in.
This week we could really feel our surroundings getting ready for winter. We keep finding nuts and corn nestled into crooks and crannies with no good explanation of how they got there...except for little mammals hiding them away of course! With all of the moisture in the air the children have enjoyed observing some new species of fungi including a new favorite, "leafy brain." We observed a decomposing stump and noticed how the wood seems to turn into dirt and how as the stump decomposes it creates a habitat for others.

We have been given an incredible gift! The most fantastic puddle was formed near our base camp with the last big rain. It even rivals the potholes in the parking lot! The children spent hours with this puddle this week. They used buckets to move the water around to new puddles and create a water table, where they mixed "hot chocolate" and other muddy culinary creations. They tested some sink/float theories and made boats from bits of wood. And of course they splashed...and splashed...and splashed! There is a lot of teamwork, collaboration, and communication that happens in a good puddle. It's a small space with a lot of action. We practiced being observant of who is nearby before jumping or throwing something in the puddle. We weren't perfect and some got some wet, muddy faces, but they were still smiling!

Other highlights included slicing and dehydrating orange slices in preparation for our Winter Solstice celebration, producing many beautiful watercolor creations, following a mole's run through the field, and hiking a new path through the woods near Canoe Cove. We enjoyed many wintry books and learned about some other animals that hibernate like bears, including hedgehogs. With Kris under the weather for much of this week, we appreciated the help from Joe and Melanie (and always enjoy seeing their smiling faces).

Things to Look Forward To
Winter Solstice Gathering is December 21st!
Last day before our long winter hibernation is December 22nd. We return February 20th.
We are announcing and launching enrollment for 2023-2024 programs in January. We'll give you a full update at our Winter Solstice gathering.
Ways to Get Involved
We are planning a family volunteer day for when we return from Winter Break. We would love helping hands to beautify our Base Camp and expand our wooded play area for the children!
We would love a donation of a large (or a few small) electric blanket. It occurred to me this week when the kids were finished with their puddle play and settled in to read books for awhile that this would be a welcome and cozy addition!
See you next week!
Heather & Kris