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Week Sixteen at The Montessori Field School


We are excited to share that our professional photos by Jana Davis are READY! You can view and download them at this link, access code MFS2022!

Also, don't forget to sign-up to bring something to share or help with set-up/clean-up for our Winter Solstice gathering! We have some really special things planned and we're excited to celebrate with you.

Now, on to the weekly recap! Heather was out with the flu for most of the week, so big thank you to Kris and our subs Joe and Chelsea for supporting. One of the highlights was certainly the mudslide that organically came to life near our base camp. The children had BIG

fun sliding, digging, climbing, and getting impressively messy!

This week's hikes were also very rewarding. We spotted the blue heron on the small pond and talked about how it doesn't migrate. We also found and identified a variety of mushrooms, including bracket and crowded parchment. On Wednesday when it was particularly windy, we talked about finding a place that was sheltered from weather and spent time enjoying a book and snack at Canoe Cove. The children loved enjoying a warm apple cider treat when we returned to Base Camp. Other big topics of conversation this week were ways to stay warm (move our bodies, stay dry, wear many layers, go near the fire/heater) and how to make maple syrup.

Surprisingly, considering the chilly temps, the children had really fruitful work periods with the Montessori materials this week. Every child has received lessons on many materials and they are now able to repeat them independently or work together to play memory games. Older children are also giving lessons to the younger children! This is one of the most beautiful aspects of multi-age groupings.

We also had a few visitors this week! A prospective family observed for next school year. Emery and Luke joined us on Thursday at Forest Club for a trial day. And on Friday, our friends from Republic Bank surprised us with some cookies!

Things to Look Forward To

  • Our Winter Solstice gathering is December 21st! It's going to be a very special event. Don't forget to mark your calendar and sign-up to contribute!

  • We're not sure this is a thing to look forward to, but our long winter break is nearly here. Don't forget that our last day of classes for 2022 is December 22nd and we will return on February 20th.

Ways to Get Involved

  • We are planning a family volunteer day for when we return from Winter Break. We would love helping hands to beautify our Base Camp and expand our wooded play area for the children!

All our best,

Heather & Kris

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